Yes Afrros is spelt with 2R’. Her friends spell her name with a S, legally her name is spelt with Z. She prefers S :).

What does the name mean?

Derived from Aphrodite the most powerful Greek Goddess. She is the goddess of love, beauty, & pleasure. Her power is Love, Fertility, Pleasure, Eternal Youth & Desire with which she conquers all.

Aphrodite is derived from the ancient Greek word ‘aphros’, which means “sea foam”. However, the most popular epithet for Aphrodite in Greek mythology was “laughter-loving”, translated as “lover of smiles”. :).

In Greek it means Bubbly, Cheerful

In Arabic it means Enlightening, Illuminated

In Urdu it means Dazzling, Shine

In Persian it means Prosperity, Brightened


About The Author

Afrros M Hudli (born Afroz Hudli) is a bestselling Author, International Speaker and Award-winning Entrepreneur, One of the youngest Board Directors Australia has, Artificial Intelligence & Emerging Technology Thought Leader & Engineer, a global citizen with her Australian citizenship, Swiss-German & Indian roots and is currently based in Sydney, Australia.

Afrros, as her friends like to spell her name with s though her legal name is Afrroz Hudli spelt with z, writes under the pen name Afrros Hudli.

In 1994-95 Afrros won her first Poetry Recitation Competition, and she has been writing poems since, and more recently books on Business, Curiosity & Wonder (released February ‘23), Personal Development, Artificial Intelligence (to be released May ‘23), and Sci-Fi (to be released October ‘23). She is a former elite athlete and in 1994 - 95 she qualified for National’s in the High-Jump event. She is a Black Belt Dan-I since 1991 making her one of the youngest Dan-I in APAC that year.

She is committed to creating outstanding value through gratitude, love & connection, creativity, innovation, collaborative synergies, excellence & transformational leadership. Intergalactic Alien Empress leveraging her superpower as an innovation catalyst, passion for Artificial Intelligence, contribution, love & connection, curiosity, growth and thought leadership she has built, grown, transformed and empowered individuals & organisations. Afrros has taken businesses from inception to market to growth and transformation while managing businesses ranging from $10M to $800M across industry verticals including Family-Owned to SMB to Fortune 500s.

Afrros M Hudli is a Graduate – International Company Director AICD. She is a post-graduate in AI & ML from Stuart School of Business, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA & Great Lakes. She holds a Masters with Research in Artificial Intelligence & Internet Computing from La Trobe University, Australia and was awarded the ‘Masters Computer Science Award winner 2006’ for Outstanding Performance topping the University in Artificial Intelligence. Afrros is certified Peak Performance Strategist & Mastery University certified with Anthony Robbins, certified in Integrated Neuro Linguistic Programming (iNLP) which she leverages as a Millennial Business and Life Coach to empower individuals deliberately design their life. Afrros has a Bachelor of Electronics Engineering (Robotics & Industrial Automation) from Mumbai University finishing in the top 3% of the University. Afrros is a Mahindra United World College (MUWCI) alumni, to which she won a full scholarship for the two year International Baccalaureate Program. She has a Teaching Diploma in Yogic Science from YVN and has taught Yoga to thousands.

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