"Focusing on authenticity, building trust and leveraging the technology wave to enable business should be at the heart of conversations in the boardroom. Diversity enhances creativity. The Board's primary role then is to pull management out of the trees, empowering them to see the forest."

Afrroz Hudli, one of the youngest Board Directors Australia has in the 35 & Under group as at 2016.


Afrroz Hudli thrives on her ability to empower organisations and individuals. Her 'big-picture' thinking, experience in setting strategic direction for organisations and her ability to look at problems from different angles of knowledge - strategy, technology, governance, finance, risk, culture, futuristic she leverages with easy as a Board Director.  

Given her past board experience, corporate exposure (Accenture), international experience, technology and strategy background, and a millennial female driven by the urge to integrate purpose with profits for commercially driven organisations she has much to contribute to the board diversity.

Afrroz was Vice-Chair and Board Director Mambourin,`16-`19. 

Afrroz Hudli is a GAICD, Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

Want Afrroz Hudli to set strategic direction as a Board Director for your organisation, email us.